AbchesとElekta Synergy IGRT機能を用いた呼吸停止下照射


AbchesとElekta Synergy IGRT機能を用いた呼吸停止下照射
金沢大学附属病院放射線治療科 髙仲 強 ほか

 Elekta Synergyが持つIGRTとしての透視機能またはCBCT間欠撮像機能により得られる呼吸停止下CBCT

 We proposed here two breath hold radiotherapy methods using Abches combined with Elekta synergy
IGRT function. One is the method of matching the tumor observed by fluoroscopic function with those
on DRR images constructed from the planning CT images, the other is the method of matching
segmental CBCT images acquired under breath hold with the planning CT images. The use of Abches
is helpful for the confirmation of the breath hold during the irradiation. These methods provide an
accurate breath hold radiotherapy for respiratory moving tumors.
