

横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター・消化器病センター 沼田和司ほか

 造影超音波による早期肝癌、high grade dysplastic nodule、regenerative nodule(RN)の鑑別に、腫瘍濃染パターンのみならず、腫瘍血管パターンの観察が有用である。特に乏血性結節の鑑別には腫瘍血管パターンの観察が早期肝癌とRNの鑑別診断に有用である。
 We evaluated tumor vessel pattern to differentiate early hepatocellular carcinoma (eHCC) (n=74)from high grade dysplastic nodule (HGDN) (n=5) or regenerative nodule (RN)(n=11) using arterial phase contrast-enhanced US. 72 (97%) of the 74 eHCCs showed peripheral pattern and the remaining2 (3%) showed central pattern. All HGDN lesions appeared as peripheral pattern and all RN lesions showed central pattern.
 When the lesions showed peripheral pattern, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the lesion as eHCC were 93.5, 84.6,and 92.2%, respectively. Contrast-enhanced US may be a useful tool for diagnosis of eHCCs.