

琉球大学大学院医学研究科放射線診断治療学講座 山城恒雄

 逐次近似再構成法は、わずか数年の間にCTにおける再構成技術の主流になった。複雑かつ繰り返し(逐次)の処理過程を経て画像化されるCT像は、従来のfiltered back projection(FBP)法よりも圧倒的な低ノイズ・高画質であり、逐次近似再構成法の使用により被曝の低減を図ることができる。各社ともに様々な逐次近似再構成法を製品化しているが、この1年でも多彩な新技術が導入されており、今後の動向は注目に値する。
Current iterative reconstruction trends for computed tomography
 The progress made with iterative reconstruction (IR) methods for computed tomography (CT) has dramatically improved image quality and reduced radiation exposure during clinical CT imaging. All CT vendors have developed various types of IR methods, such as Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR) that was released in 2009 by GE Healthcare as their first commercially available IR technique. IR methods have been modified to include more complex statistical and/or optical models,which has resulted in greater differences in CT image quality and radiation exposure, compared with conventional filtered back projection (FBP) methods.