胸部領域における Dual Energy Imagingの臨床応用


胸部領域におけるDual Energy Imagingの臨床応用

 肺血栓塞栓症におけるDual Energy Imagingについて、物理特性を交えて当院の運用を紹介する。Lung
Vesselsは微小血栓の把握、Lung PBVは塞栓部位のフォローアップに有用であるが、撮影条件や造影効果、画
 I will introduce the Dual Energy Imaging of pulmonary thromboembolism based on the physical
properties. Lung Vessels and Lung PBV are useful for the detection of microthrombi and follow-up of
the embolization area. There is a possibility that the results are different by the imaging parameters,
image processing and contrast effect. Understand the characteristics, Dual Energy Imaging should be
used as an aid in diagnostic imaging.