腹部・末梢領域におけるTarget Detachable Coilsの使用経験 ~Target XLを中心に~


腹部・末梢領域におけるTarget Detachable Coilsの使用経験
~Target XLを中心に~
渋谷 圭

脱式コイルであるTarget Detachable Coilsは柔軟でキックバックの少ない特長と速やかかつ確実な離脱機構を併せ持っており、腹部・末梢領域での有用性が期待される。

 In recent years, safety and reliability of the coil embolization has remarkably improved in the abdomen/peripheral region by the extended indication of wide variety of detachable coils. Target detachable coils combine the reliable electric detachable system and flexible structures that can reduce kickback of coils. Therefore, usefulness of Target detachable coils in the abdominal/peripheral region is expected.
