順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院整形外科 糸魚川善昭
関節脱臼は関節唇の評価にMR Arthrography(MRA)、骨の評価には三次元CT画像が有用である。腱板損傷の超音波、MRI検
The shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff tear, and Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior (SLAP) lesion
are common diseases in the sports injury. MR Arthrography and three dimension CT are effective to
evaluate the labrum and glenoid articular surface for shoulder dislocation, respectively. It is important
that anatomic attachment of rotator cuff should be focused on ultrasound and MRI to evaluate rotator cuff
tear. The normal variant should considered for correct diagnosis of SLAP lesion on MR Arthrography.