


*1横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター消化器病センター、 *2湘南藤沢徳洲会病院病理診断科
沼田和司*1、 二本松宏美*1、 羽尾義輝*1、 道端信貴*1、 福田浩之*1、近藤正晃*1、 中馬 誠*1、 田中克明*1、 中野雅行*2

peripheral vessels pattern、腫瘍の中心から末梢に向かうパターンをcentral vessels patternと二分した。
eHCC (n=83)では98%、HGDN (n=6)では100%がperipheral vessels pattern、一方RN (n=13)で
は100%がcentral vessels patternであり、central vessels patternのときRNである感度100%、特異度

 We performed contrast-enhanced US using a perflubutane based contrast agent. We then classified
the tumor vessels observed during the arterial phase of contrast enhanced US into two patterns:
peripheral vessels (centripetal pattern) and central vessels (centrifugal pattern). Eighty-one (97.6%) of the 83 early HCC exhibited various enhancement patterns and a peripheral vessel pattern, while the remaining 2 lesions (2.4%) exhibited a central vessel pattern. All 6 high grade dysplastic nodule (HGDN)lesions exhibited a peripheral vessel pattern. All 13 regenerative nodule (RN) exhibited a central vessel pattern. When lesions exhibiting a central vessel pattern during arterial-phase contrast-enhanced US were diagnosed as RN, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of these diagnoses were 100%, 97.8%,and 98.0%, respectively.
