超エキスパート施設紹介 世界初のハイブリッドERシステムが外傷診療にもたらす恩恵とは?
吉川吉曉、藤見 聡
大阪府立急性期・総合医療センター 高度救命救急センター
In August 2011, we installed a sliding CT scanner with interventional radiology features (IVR-CT) in
our emergency room that allows emergency bleeding control without relocating the patients. IVR-CT
system in the emergency room can facilitate definitive interventions earlier in comparison with a
conventional CT system. And, this system enables the examination of CT scan on severe trauma
patients, which was never possible before. So, this new system might contribute the beneficial effects
on survival in patients with critical blunt trauma who required emergency bleeding control.