冠動脈CT 現在のBolus Tracking
Test Bolus Tracking(TBT)法の導入
労働者健康安全機構山陰労災病院中央放射線部 増田 大
冠動脈CT検査で、Bolus Tracking(BT)法と同量の造影剤量でTest Bolus Tracking(TBT)法を行い造
Introduced by comparing the current bolus tracking method and test bolus tracking method using the
same amount of contrast agent.
Test bolus tracking method performed in the current bolus tracking method and the same amount of
contrast agent, not increase the amount of contrast medium, was evaluated in order to reduce
variations in contrast effect. Divided into two groups of each 20 patients, to measure the CT value of
12 locations each vessel, mean values were evaluated by the standard deviation. TBT Method
decrease of 7.8% of the CT values for the main bolus is short 2 seconds was observed, but retained a
sufficient contrast effect. Mean standard deviation of the entire coronary, 45.2 in TBT method, 61.9 and
variation is reduced by the BT method.