SOMATOM Forceの被ばく低減について
大阪市立総合医療センター医療技術部中央放射線部 福井貴之
に対応するためには高い時間分解能、高速撮影、体格に合わせた管電圧設定が可能な「SOMATOM Force」は
We have experienced a wide variety of pediatric exams ordered from more than 10 clinical
departments since our institution is designated as one of the hospitals for childhood cancer. The key
features equipped in SOMATOM Force such as high temporal resolution of 66ms, more than 700mm
faster volume coverage per second, and automatic tube voltage selection tool are really helpful to
achieve their anticipations, and to exceed their expectation. Under the circumstances of increasing
public awareness of radiation dose, we should pay more attention to how important the optimization of
the dose is, especially for the radiosensitive pediatric populations. In this article, I would like to show
our experiences to the pediatric CT imaging.