粒子線の現状とこれから 〜今後の道筋〜


陽子線治療・重粒子線治療合同ワーキンググループ 白土博樹

 Proton beam therapy for pediatric cancer and carbon beam therapy for bone and soft tissue sarcoma have
been reimbursed in Japan since April 2016. At the same time, other cancers such as head and neck cancer,
esophagus, liver, lung, pancreatic, and prostate cancers have been treated with the newly determined advanced
medical care system, SENSIN-IRYO A or B. All the patients treated by particle beam therapy are required to
be treated by the same treatment protocol and informed consent for each disease after the discussion in the
cancer board and registered into Database which is determined by JASTRO. The status of registration and
treatment outcomes of all patients will be reported as central monitor reports regularly or as a full paper.

